Lost Ark: How to Fix the Card Catalog is Full Issue

Lost Ark’s statistically-integrated deck-building system is likely to reward players with a large number of individual cards during their travels through Arkesia. However, due to the limited storage space for these cards, players frequently find themselves unable to accommodate any additional additions to their collections. Aspirations to collect them all can quickly be stifled by these restrictions. Therefore, to help them out, here’s our guide to fix the card catalog is full issue.

How to Fix the Card Catalog is Full Issue in Lost Ark

It is possible to free up space in the Card Catalog while also expanding the collection’s storage capacity using these methods.

Fix 1: Delete Unnecessary Cards

Lost Ark: How to Fix the Card Catalog is Full Issue

The Card Catalog’s default storage capacity is 120 unique cards. The unregistered cards will simply take up inventory space until the storage issue is resolved, as players will be unable to add new cards from their inventory after reaching that 120-card limit.

The player can only have six cards in their active deck at a time, even though the player has access to every card in every book. As a result, players who place more importance on the card system’s statistical advantages than its collection elements should prioritize the cards they need over the cards they desire.

A card can be deleted from a player’s catalog if they decide it adds nothing to their deck. This frees up a slot for a new card. Players can delete cards by clicking the “Delete Card” button at the top right of the Card Catalog menu and then right-clicking the cards they wish to delete.

When a card is deleted, the player receives valuable Card XP, which they can use to improve their current active deck’s stats while also making room for new, more important cards. Deleting cards is not a zero-sum action.

Fix 2: Expand Card Catalog Slots

Lost Ark: How to Fix the Card Catalog is Full Issue

When it comes to getting rid of one-of-a-kind cards, card collectors aren’t going to give an inch. Card Catalog in its entirety (including every card from each book) exceeds the catalog’s storage limit of 120 cards.

Additional card storage must be unlocked by players if they wish to keep more cards. Currently, the only way to do so is to purchase additional catalog slots for the game.

In the Enhance section, rows of card slots are hidden from view. In exchange for 30 Crystals, a premium currency that players may receive as login rewards from time to time, players can purchase packs of 10 additional card storage slots.

Prior to investing premium resources, players should ensure that card book completion is a significant and worthwhile goal.

Well, that’s all we have here about how players can fix the Card Catalog is full issue in Lost Ark. We hope this guide helped you. If you liked this, do check out our guide on how to facet ability stones in Lost Ark as well.

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