What Does “Pending” Mean on Snapchat?

When you send someone a snap or a text message on Snapchat, you might see Pending with a grey arrow next to it instead of Delivered with a blue one. This is due to the fact that your message or snap has not yet been delivered.

This could be due to a variety of factors. There are, however, plenty of quick fixes, so there’s no need to be concerned.

So, what does the term “pending” on Snapchat mean? What causes this to happen? Let’s look into the reasons for this and find a solution.

What Does "Pending" Mean on Snapchat?

You’re Not Friends on Snapchat

If you’ve sent someone a Snapchat friend request and they haven’t accepted it yet, you’ll see Pending next to their name. You’ll have to wait for the person to accept your friend request before the snap or text is sent to them automatically.

Another possibility is that you’ve been removed from an existing friend’s friend list and are no longer in their Snapchat contact list. Unfortunately, the solution for this one may not be as simple as a few screen taps. As soon as they add you back, you’ll see Delivered with a blue tick.

You’ve Been Blocked on Snapchat

When you’re blocked by someone on Snapchat, you won’t get any notifications. One of the many ways to tell if someone has blocked you on Snapchat is to look at the Pending section.

You might want to know if the contact has blocked you or simply unfriended you. In that case, use the Search Bar to look up their username. You’ve been unfriended if the user appears. They’ve blocked you if you don’t see them at all.

The Snapchat Account Has Been Deleted

Your snaps may not be delivered because your friend has decided to delete their Snapchat account. It’s also possible that the account has been suspended and is no longer active.

You’ll know if they’re back once your snaps automatically go from Pending to Delivered, and recovering a Snapchat account is relatively easy. All you have to do is log back in within 30 days to reactivate it.

There’s a Glitch in the Snapchat App

Although Snapchat is generally a smooth and efficient social media platform, it does have its drawbacks. There are times when the app becomes unresponsive. When this happens, you might see a random Pending status appear.

An app glitching on your phone could be caused by a variety of factors. One of them could be a storage issue or an overzealous software update. You could try deleting some files, clearing the cache in Snapchat’s settings, and updating your phone’s software. To clear cache, follow these steps:

  1. Tap on your Bitmoji or avatar in the top left corner.
  2. In the top right corner, click the Settings icon.
  3. Under Account Actions, scroll down and tap Clear Cache.What Does "Pending" Mean on Snapchat?
  4. You’re done once you’ve selected Clear.

You or the Recipient Doesn’t Have a Fast Internet Connection

If your Snapchat says “Pending,” it could be due to a slow internet connection.

If you’re connected to Wi-Fi, disconnect and send the Snap fully using your mobile data instead. You can also try restarting your router. You don’t have to be concerned about your photos getting lost in the shuffle.

In other cases, the recipient may not have a consistent internet connection or may have turned it off. You’ll have to wait until they’re back online if this is the case.

Snapchat’s Servers Are Down

This usually results in a system-wide shutdown, and no one can use the app properly. The app will either crash or display an error similar to this one.

Snapchat usually gets back up and running quickly, so your snaps and messages will be delivered as soon as the problem is resolved. In the meantime, try restarting the app a few times to speed things up. You can also try uninstalling the app and reinstalling it.

The Recipient’s Phone is Switched Off

On a personal level, the recipient may or may not have any issues with you. Furthermore, they may not experience any connectivity issues. Because the user’s phone isn’t turned on, your snap may appear as “Pending.”

The recipient may have turned off their phone to concentrate on something important, or their battery may have died. Your snap should arrive as soon as they’ve turned their device back on and connected to the internet.


The Pending status on Snapchat can be caused by a variety of factors. Your request may not have been accepted, or you may have been blocked or unfriended.

In other cases, you may be experiencing an app glitch or an issue with your internet connection. You can quickly resolve these technical issues, but you must respect someone’s decision to block or unfriend you.

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