6 Reasons Why the iPhone Outperforms Other Smartphones

It’s no secret that the Apple iPhone is a fantastic smartphone that represents the pinnacle of human creativity and innovation. Although Android smartphones have come a long way in the last decade, they still fall short of the seamless experience provided by Apple’s prized iPhone.

We’ve all had numerous arguments with friends and family about which smartphone is the best. Regardless of what die-hard Android users say, the iPhone has a lot of features that Android users don’t have. Continue reading to learn about the six reasons why iPhones are superior.

6 Reasons Why the iPhone Outperforms Other Smartphones

Apple Manufactures Processors

Because of its superior processors, the iPhone performs far better than Android smartphones. Apple’s hardware is not dependent on processor chip manufacturers. Instead, it creates processors that are in line with the latest iPhone’s vision.

Apple is able to have complete control over the design and performance of its products because it manufactures its own processors.

Apple processors are also larger in size, allowing for the inclusion of additional hardware resources that significantly improve iPhone performance. The iPhone outperforms and outlasts its competitors, thanks to more CPU cores and a larger performance cache.

The iPhone also has a much better 64-bit processor than Qualcomm’s 64-bit processors. In 2013, Apple introduced the first 64-bit smartphone processor, and it has continued to improve its system on a chip (SoC) designs to increase efficiency and performance.

Qualcomm and Exynos do not design processor chips for specific smartphones, and their business model is based on selling as many processor chips as possible to as many smartphone manufacturers as possible.

As a result, companies like Samsung and Huawei design their phones to fit existing processors, resulting in lower battery life and performance.

Optimal Hardware Software Integration

Because the iPhone’s hardware is optimized for its software and vice versa, it provides a much better overall performance experience. Apple has achieved a level of integration between its hardware and software components that is unrivaled.

Apple ensures that its hardware and software are optimized to use resources more efficiently, so the iPhone does not require 16GB of RAM to outperform a flagship Android phone.

All of this is possible because Apple has complete control over the iPhone’s manufacturing process, which Android manufacturers lack.

Large Cache Memory

The cache is a critical component of today’s smartphone performance. Cache memory is much faster than RAM, and smartphones with a large cache memory perform significantly better.

Even in flagship Android smartphones, lags and system glitches are all too common; thanks to a larger high-performance cache, iPhones are not affected. Cache memory on ARM architecture processors is typically one or two MB, but the iPhone has either 4MB or 8MB cache memory.

A larger cache memory allows for faster data transfer to the CPU, increasing overall processing speed. Despite the fact that Android smartphones have a lot of RAM, iPhones perform much better because of the high-performance cache memory.

No Bloatware

When you first turn on an Android device, you’ll be greeted by a slew of unwanted apps that not only clutter your phone but also degrade its performance.

A slew of Google apps, not to mention the unwanted OEM apps, are automatically installed. Without rooting your phone, it’s nearly impossible to get rid of these apps for good.

In comparison, the iPhone comes with only a few pre-installed Apple apps, which you can remove with a few taps.

Bloatware has a significant impact on your device’s overall performance. These unwanted apps consume a substantial amount of background resources, preventing your Android from using resources where they are needed.

Timely Software Updates

Apple easily outperforms Android when it comes to update support. The latest iOS update will be available to compatible Apple devices as soon as it is released.

The iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, and even the first-generation iPhone SE are all compatible with iOS 15, which was released in 2021.

Android device system updates are much more difficult. Other Android devices receive updates through their OEMs, while Google only updates its Pixel devices directly.

Other manufacturers, including Samsung, Redmi, and Sony, receive the Google update, tweak it for specific models, and release it months later (if ever).

A Camera Engineered to Perfection

Even the most adamant Android users adore one iPhone feature: the iPhone’s incredible camera. Apple has perfected the iPhone camera, and there isn’t a smartphone on the market with a better camera than the latest iPhone.

The iPhone 13 Pro had the best camera system ever at the time of its release. The iPhone 13 Pro’s 12-megapixel camera has the same resolution as the iPhone 6S, but the iPhone can capture images better than any other smartphone thanks to improved sensors, an f/1.5 aperture, and brilliant post-processing.

Furthermore, the iPhone 13 Pro excels at low-light photography, a feat that no other smartphone can match.

Without going into technical details, the iPhone’s incredible hardware is complemented by its powerful computational photography software, resulting in the best photography and cinematography experience possible.


Apple’s iPhone has consistently provided its loyal customers with a fantastic smartphone experience. The iPhone is capable of outperforming Android devices at any time, and finding an Android device that can compete with the iPhone will be extremely difficult.

The iPhone is undeniably expensive when compared to flagship Android devices, and while some refer to this as “Apple Tax,” the truth is far from it.

In comparison to Android smartphones, iPhones are generally smoother, faster, and have significantly longer battery life. Because of Apple’s hardware and system software, they can outperform flagship Android devices.

We hope this guide helps you understand why the iPhone Outperforms every other Smartphone. If you liked this, don’t forget to check out our gamingtroubleshooting, and computing guides. 

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