How to Save Money in Farming Simulator 22?

Farming Simulator 22 is not a game with a lot of rewards. To generate a decent profit flow, you’ll need to put in a lot of time and effort. Furthermore, the cost of purchasing almost any item for your farm is quite high. Thereby, it is of utmost necessity to save money in Farming Simulator 22.

With that said, here are some financial-saving tips to keep in mind. If you choose to keep the new seasons mechanic enabled, keep in mind that playing within its confines necessitates even more strategic decisions in order to avoid running out of money.

How to Save Money in Farming Simulator 22?

How to Save Money in Farming Simulator 22?

Here are some smart tips and tricks that will help you to save money in Farming Simulator 22.

Use the Starter Machinery as Much as Possible

How to Save Money in Farming Simulator 22?

In “New Farmer” mode, you’ll start with $100,000 in the bank and a variety of starter equipment when you start a new map. This should be more than enough to get you started on your farm with relative ease.

Some players want to sell as much as they can and upgrade to bigger, better gear right away. However, if you want to be more conservative with your money, hold on to what you’re given at the start for as long as possible.

The tractors aren’t very powerful, and the tools are small, but you’ll often have equally small fields to work with, so it all works out in the end.

Of course, you can still buy machinery in the early stages, but see what you can get away with from what the game provides for you first to save up a good chunk of cash.

Lease Instead of Buying Small Machinery (Including the Equipment You Need Periodically)

How to Save Money in Farming Simulator 22?

The allure of purchasing new equipment is strong. The high prices, on the other hand, may deter you. Fortunately, there is always the option of leasing.

Heavy machinery such as tractors and harvesters may not be cost-effective to lease, but smaller equipment such as balers, tedders, weeders, front loaders, and other similar machines are.

The initial lease may cost $1,000 or more, but subsequent leases will only cost a few dozens of dollars per day. As a result, if it’s something you only need on a regular basis, leasing may be a better option.

Examine the state of your farm and consider what machinery you’ll need on a regular basis versus what you’ll only need once in a while.

Check the “Used” Options Regularly

How to Save Money in Farming Simulator 22?

On the other hand of leasing, a new feature in Farming Simulator 22 is the ability to buy used machinery at a much lower price. There are a few caveats to that, as nice as it is (of course).

First, the discount is determined by the machine’s age and level of maintenance. As a result, the bigger the discount, the more money you’ll have to put back into getting the equipment up to par.

Used equipment will never perform as well as new equipment, which can be especially problematic for larger tractors that you’ll need for their extra horsepower. So keep that in mind at all times.

Last but not least, the used market is constantly changing, with offers appearing and disappearing every few in-game hours. You must return frequently to see if there is anything truly worthwhile.

Take Your Machines in For Regular Repairs

How to Save Money in Farming Simulator 22?

The repair system debuted in Farming Simulator 19 and has since been carried over to the new FS22. Due to use, both machines and their equipment will deteriorate over time.

As a result, you’ll need to take them to a repair shop and pay to have them fixed, or they’ll start running hard and below their normal performance levels.

Rather than waiting too long for your machinery to be repaired, have it serviced on a regular basis. You won’t be hit with a large repair bill all at once if you do it this way.

Go “halfsies” with the AI Workers

How to Save Money in Farming Simulator 22?

The AI Worker system’s entire purpose is to free up your time so you can focus on other things. It comes at a price, as convenient as it is.

Almost every second of labor costs money, so perhaps you can improve the workflow. Consider splitting the workload in half by completing one half of a field and leaving the rest to your AI Worker. You can still save time and a few credits this way.

Turn off AI Worker Purchases in the Settings

How to Save Money in Farming Simulator 22?

Another way AI Workers can drain your bank account is by automatically replenishing resources that have been depleted. This includes items such as seeds, fertilizer, and other similar items.

There are some toggles in the settings menu that allow you to turn off these purchases. It’s much more cost-effective for you to manually purchase these items, and when the resources are depleted, you dismiss the AI Worker, refill your tool, and then send the worker back out.

Use Manure Instead of Fertilizer

When it comes to resources, one cost that you can reduce (if and when you have cows) is fertilizer purchases. Although fertilizer isn’t particularly expensive, using manure can help you save money.

The best part is that manure is completely free — at least in theory. Of course, in order to obtain the manure, you will need to purchase, raise, and care for your cows, which will take time and money. One benefit is that you’ll have a semi-constant supply of “free” natural fertilizer for your crops.

For Your Animals and Greenhouses, Get free Water from Rivers or Lakes

How to Save Money in Farming Simulator 22?

While you can install very convenient water tanks on your farm that will pump water into your trailer on demand, it will cost you money. As a result, you can get water for free by driving your water trailer to any body of water marked on a map.

Simply back the trailer up to the water’s edge and start filling. Finding a good spot may be difficult depending on the map, so it may not work everywhere. Nonetheless, if applicable, it’s worth a shot.

Well, that’s all we have here about how you can save money in Farming Simulator 22. We hope this guide helped you.

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