Where to Find Vulpix in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Many Pokémon can be caught and added to your collection in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. For many Pokémon fans, many of them are personal favorites. Many people prefer Vulpix, particularly if they can evolve it into Ninetales.

But first and foremost, you must locate it. We’ll show you where to find Vulpix in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl in this guide.

Where to Find Vulpix in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Where to Find Vulpix in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl?

It’s worth noting that Vulpix is only available in Pokémon Shining Pearl. In this game, you’ll only be able to catch it in the wild. You won’t be able to find it in the wild if you’re playing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond.

You’ll need to contact someone who is currently playing Shining Pearl to see if they are willing to trade it to you.

When you’re ready to find Vulpix in Pokémon Shining Pearl, you’ll have to search for it for quite some time. When you get your National PokéDex, Vulpix will start to spawn in your game.

That means you must finish the game and complete your Sinnoh PokéDex. After that, you must seek out Vulpix in the Grand Underground. It spawns in the Typhlo Cavern, lava caves, sand caves, canyon caves, and lava caves.

If you’re having trouble finding it, fill it with Fire-type Pokémon Statues to increase your chances of finding one.

Well, that’s all we have here about where you can find Vulpix in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. We hope this guide helped you.

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