Elden Ring: What to Do with the Festering Bloody Finger

The Festering Bloody Finger is an item in Elden Ring that you will go out of your way to find. You’ll be able to interact with other players in an online environment, but in a hostile rather than helpful manner.

If you’re not careful, you might end up killing yourself. We’ll go over what to do with the Festering Bloody Finger in Elden Ring and why it’s important in this guide.

Elden Ring: What to Do with the Festering Bloody Finger

What is a Festering Bloody Finger?

Attacks another player’s world in an attempt to conquer it As an invader (Bloody Finger), your goal is to defeat the Host of Fingers in that world, if you succeed. Blood congestion has turned this finger black. It looks like the hair was snipped off rather hastily.

Bloody Finger Nerijus, a warrior who accosts you while you stroll along the river in Limgrave, is likely to be the first invader you encounter.

While Nerijus can be a formidable foe for an unprepared player, an NPC ally of your own will come to your aid, and the rewards for defeating Nerijus are well worth the time and effort required.

Where to Find Bloody Finger Nerijus in Elden Ring?

If you look north from Lake Agheel in Limgrave, you’ll see a stream that leads to the Murkwater Cave, where you can find Bloody Finger Nerijus.

Bloody Finger Nerijus will invade as you head down that path, and the battle will begin. Yura, an NPC, will assist you in the fight against Nerijus, but you will not be able to use Spirits.

Festering Bloody Finger Location

Gateside Chamber and Stormveil Main Gate sites of grace are near Gatekeeper Gostoc, who can be found in the gatehouse where this item can be purchased. Below, we have marked the location:

What to Do With the Festering Bloody Finger in Elden Ring?

You can attack another player’s Elden Ring world while they are online by using the Festering Bloody Finger.

Players who are eager to get into the game and engage in PvP combat should go out of their way to locate the Festering Bloody Finger and attack anyone they can.

Elden Ring: What to Do with the Festering Bloody Finger

The Nomadic Merchant in Limgrave East is where you can find your first Festering Bloody Finger. They can be found south of the Minor Erdtree in the forest area. To find their location, look for the smoke from their campfire.

The Festering Bloody Finger will be worth 1,000 Runes when you arrive. If you want to get the item first, wisely use these runes.

Well, that’s all we have here about what you can do with Festering Bloody Finger in Elden Ring. We hope this guide helped you. Also, check out what you can do with Dragonwound Grease.

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