Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

As a middle-to-low-level player, you’ll be tasked with helping the young warrior Nepheli Loux complete a series of quests that will take you all over Elden Ring. When completed, you will receive an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, which will allow you to level up your weapons to +25, the maximum possible strength for them to reach. Here’s our detailed walkthrough of the Nepheli Loux questline in Elden Ring. Make sure to read it carefully and complete it.

Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline in Elden Ring?

Everything you need to know about Nepheli’s quest, from where to find her to the location of the ashes she sends you to find, is here. That said, it’s a good idea to put this quest off until later in the game when you’re more powerful so you can handle the Morgott boss.

Step 1: Find Nepheli Lous

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

Find Nepheli in Stormveil Castle, and you’re good to go. You can begin at the Liftside Chamber Site of Grace and head east, up the steps past the bird foes, and into a small room on the right. The large spiky wooden barricades have been crossed.

She’ll be posing in front of a few barrels of some sort.

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

Her location is shown in the image above, but she isn’t in it because we’ve already met her. Speak to her until you exhaust her conversation.

Step 2: Talk to Nepheli Again

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

After defeating Godrick the Grafted, you’ll be able to use Warp to travel to the Roundtable Hold and speak with Gideon in the main room. He’s the guy in the mask with the hunched back on the right. If he isn’t there, don’t be alarmed. You may have already spoken to him.

Take the left path just before the Twin Maiden Husks, who you’ll recognize if you’ve been to any of the Elden Ring Bell Bearing locations that increase their stock. Nepheli is pictured here holding a lit candle while standing next to a table. If you haven’t already done so, she’ll be standing right next to the table in the image above. The Arsenal Charm will be yours if you talk to her.

Step 3: Meet Nepheli Once Again

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

Warp to the Village of Albinaurics from the Roundtable Hold. The Cathedral of Manus Celes is located to the southwest of this location on the south side of Liurnia. There are many cliffs in this eerie area, so proceed with caution. Nepheli can be found sitting next to a stone wall in the village of Albinaurics Site of Grace, which is located to the east. You can talk to her. Rest until nightfall if she doesn’t show up.

Step 4: Defeat the Omenkiller Boss

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

There is a large bridge that you must cross before you can get to Albinaurics Site of Grace. The Omenkiller boss fight is the only thing keeping you from reaching the other side of this zone. To advance, you must defeat this foe.

If you get stuck, you can always use your horse and the nearby cliff to slap the boss in the face. The Crucible Knot Talisman will be given to you after you defeat the boss.

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

In order to avoid confusion, keep in mind that the Cathedral of Manus Celes is not where the boss is located. This is where the boss can be found instead, east of Albinaurics Site of Grace.

Step 5: Speak with Nepheli Once More

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

As soon as you return to Roundtable Hold, you’ll see Nepheli leaning against a wall. She won’t have much to say if you approach her. That potion from Seluvis’s questline should not be given to Nepheli because doing so will end the quest at this point.

Step 6: Speak with Gideon and Speak to Nepheli

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

Now rest at a Site of Grace and Gideon is in the library, which is on the left side of the path. A table is where you will find him. Choose the “Nepheli’s despair” option when you speak with him. Attempt to contact Finger Reader Enia in the back room if the library is closed first.

After that, Return to Nepheli and tell her you heard about her from Gideon. However, you should finish all of her lines of dialogue.

Step 7: Retrieve the Stormhawk King

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

On the west side of Liurnia, you’ll find the Four Belfries area. In the tower next to the Site of Grace, there is a Swordstone Key in a chest that can be opened.

Grab the Swordstone Key, then head down the hill to the easternmost Tower and use it to unlock the portal. To get to an island off the coast of Limgrave, you can use this portal.

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

Once you’ve done that, head south toward the building in the distance. Steps on the left lead to the Chapel of Anticipation as you cross the bridge. However, you should avoid using the building’s main entrance. There is a path that leads to the second floor outside if you turn right instead. The Stormhawk King sits on the right, across from a second entrance to the building, in this location.

Step 8: Give the Stormhawk King to Nepheli

Bring The Stormhawk King back to Nepheli in Roundtable and present it to her. Having trouble giving her the item? Check to see if you have the option to level up Ashes by completing Roderika’s questline.

Step 9: Defeat the Morgott, the Omen King Boss

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

Atlus Plateau’s capital, Atlus City, is where Morgott awaits. Even if it looks like Margit again, this is a difficult boss fight. Even if the attacks have had a massive upgrade.

You can take him down if you have the Mimic Ashes and the Starscourge Greatsword as well as enough vigor. If you don’t, you’ll have a lot of trouble progressing unless you level up and gather powerful items to help you defeat this boss. For those who enjoy a good challenge, there are some enemies out there to keep you from progressing.

Step 10: Meet Nepheli One Last Time

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

In Stormveil Castle, find Godrick the Grafted Site of Grace and proceed north to the large circular room for the final step. A throne sits in the center of the room, and you should find Nepheli sitting on it. She’ll give you one of the most valuable and rare Elden Ring Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones if you talk to her.

 Elden Ring: How to Complete the Nepheli Loux Questline

Additionally, you must have completed Kenneth’s questline and Maliketh the Black Blade must still be alive in order for Nepheli to spawn. Nepheli has been reported to spawn only after players rest at the nearby Site of Grace.

Well, that’s all we have here about how you can complete the Nepheli questline in Elden Ring. We hope this guide helped you. If you liked this, make sure to check out our other Elden Ring walkthroughs of Millicent and Elden Ring Patches Questline

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Noah Aronofsky

I’m a freelance content writer who (surprise!) kind of has a thing for tech. When I’m not working on guides for Make Tech Quick, you can probably find me somewhere in Teyvat, Novigrad, or Whiterun. Unless I’m feeling competitive, in which case you should try Erangel.

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